Academic Affairs

General Complaints

Students with a complaint related to the Student Code of Conduct or a complaint outside of or beyond the scope of those outlined within the Student Handbook should submit the complaint to the Dean of Students or her designee. The Dean of Students or her designee will meet with the grievant to discuss the complaint.

The grievant should be prepared to provide date(s) and time(s) of the event(s), the person or group against whom the student has the complaint, and the names of any witnesses at the time of the meeting. Based on the information provided, the Dean of Students will determine if the complaint can be handled by that office or should be referred to other university officials.

Academic complaints may be submitted to the appropriate college dean or department head. The Dean of Students’ contact information is: Dr. Tammi Dahle Station 6020, Main Hall Telephone: (205) 665–­6020 • Fax: (205) 665–­6017 Distance Education Students may email Dr. Dahle or file a complaint online at the link below.

General Complaints